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State of New Jersey Department of
Community Affairs
Division of Housing and Community Resources
If you have a shut-off notice and you are a first-time HEA applicant or you are just recertifying for your FY2025 benefits, your HEA application must be completed and submitted before you can apply for Emergency Assistance.
The Lead Remediation and Abatement Program Application Portal is open. Tenants and landlords can now apply online.
As of October 1st, the USF/LIHEAP program will operate on a first-come, first-served basis, requiring fully submitted applications with all required documentation to be considered for benefits.
Due to reductions in Federal funding, please also make note of the following changed benefit amounts:
Cooling assistance of up to $300 to eligible residents with medical documentation.
Heating emergency assistance is up to $800.
Emergency assistance for non-heating electric accounts is up to $300.